Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim has taken to social media to lament bitterly about how people identify her as a ‘half-caste’ & not a pure black woman.
In the wake of protests against racism in America, following the killing of George Floyd in police custody,
many Africans have moved to share their stories of being victims of discrimination.
In a post via Instagram page, Juliet Ibrahim has shared a story of how someone challenged her on not being “black enough” to be called a black woman because of her skin colour.
Read her post below…
“I had a random conversation the other day with someone and it was appalling when he mentioned passively to me that he doesn’t see me as a #Blackwoman!
He argued, you are not “black enough” your skin isn’t dark enough, your hair not kinky enough.
And thus my siblings and I do not “count” as Black.
“Now this is Exactly, what we are fighting to correct amongst ourselves and the world at large.
I am a black woman! When I’m abroad amongst the whites, I am classified and recognized as a black woman, however, right amongst us Africans I’ll be referred to as a Half-Caste!
This is the most derogatory term to describe a person of mixed race or mixed ethnicity.”
Juliet Ibrahim was born in Liberia to a Lebanese father and a Liberian mother.
She and her siblings spent most of their childhood in Lebanon and Ivory Coast due to the then Liberian war.
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